It takes me a long time to read a magazine. This one's from 1995. I've had it on my nightstand for 16 years and am just now unlocking its glitter-ous contents. As a teenager, there was little way of telling what any of this gear did. Some pages are a total confusing mess.
I think I would just read the interminable music theory articles or the Nine Inch Nails concert report. (still used reel-to-reel for their live show, and DX7's as Midi controllers!) Years later, the gear reviews make a lot more sense. A couple of my particular favorites, the Novation Bass Station and the Studio Electronics SE-1, both came out in 1995 and are reviewed in this issue. (We've used both on Psychobuildings tracks.) Then there's one of the first ads for my favorite live keyboard, the Nord Lead,
and all the amazing / mildly nauseating mid-90s clip art illustrations.
I may have to pick up some more back issues.
- Peter Schuette